Why The Classics are Being Neglected

In today’s fast paced world, everybody wants to hurry to the conclusions, nobody really has the time to sit back and enjoy the beauty that life has to offer. I’ve realised that the case is similar regarding the reading of books. Classics for today’s generation have proven to be a bit ‘slow’. The writer goes nice and slowly, scrutinizing upon every single detail and works his way up to the end of the chapter when you realise that the character has only walked only a few steps up to the door of the room of his dying mother, and it took him forty pages to ‘aptly’ describe the scenario. The plot of the book may not be too long but the painfully long details stretch the length of the novel quite a bit. What this generation wants are conclusions. They want results and they want them now. An exceptional quality that I’ve noticed in one of my favourite writers, Dan Brown, is that he has the ability to go on with the story at a fast pace but this doesn’t make his stories short because, side by side he is always narrating events with conclusions that hold great significance in the plot and and the story keeps changing. Thus, he is able to provide what today’s generation demands from books. They want steep gradients in the story, and they want them to be good. Another thing is that when we get bored with a book, we don’t hesitate in quitting on it. Who has the time to read a book he/she doesn’t like? But I believe quitting so easily is an imprudent decision. The things these books have to offer, cannot be found in books about vampires. There must be a reason why these books are called Classics, and thus with an inquisitive approach to find that reason we should definitely peruse these books.
Happy Reading!

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