Three Cups of Tea

Three Cups of Tea, a book by an American humanitarian, Greg Mortenson, is about his journey to villages and rural area of Pakistan and Afghanistan, in order to make schools for education of the poor children, mostly girls. He aims to change the conventional thinking of the poor, illiterate elders of different tribes and areas, of not allowing girls to get an education. But upon arriving there, he discovers that many of these illiterate people possess wisdom, far more than anticipated, Greg himself admits that he learned a lot more than he had planned to teach, and thus his plans are met with a hearty welcome. Tribal leaders try to compete with one another to gain Greg’s favor to build them a school. But he decides to make his first school for the tribe who’s chief, Haji Ali, becomes his mentor. In the book, he narrates several incidents that take place during his journey, which range from kidnappings to gun fights to encounters with the Taliban etc. He had initially come to Pakistan, to climb the second largest peak in the world; K2, but after failing, he finds himself ready to climb another peak, and it’s glory is far greater than the former, and he doesn’t fail this time.

Greg has narrated several inspirational lessons he learnt. My personal favorite quotation by Greg is as follows: ‘If we try to resolve terrorism with military might and nothing else, then we will be no safer than we were before 9/11. If we truly want a legacy of peace for our children, we need to understand that this is a war that will ultimately be won with books, not with bombs’-Greg Mortenson. I’m definite you will enjoy this book, and will get to see the positive side of Pakistan.

Looking forward to your comments and opinions. Happy Reading!

Dan Brown Page Turners

Dan Brown, a widely renowned fiction thriller writer, has been exercising his brilliant talent in writing since 1996, when he published his first book, Digital Fortress. He is mostly famous for his worldwide bestseller ‘The Da Vinci Code’ , although he has managed to form ‘four’ other masterpieces as well. I say this because I found each and every one of them exceptionally ‘thrilling’. My personal favorite is The Da Vinci Code , in which a ‘symbologist’ , Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu, together unveil the mysteries of centuries old personalities, which include famous artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, and religious figures in Christianity including Jesus himself. They aim to come to the truth behind the rumor that Jesus married a woman named Mary Mageldene, and that his blood line exists even to this day. Now I won’t go on to ruin the story for you. This is truly a ‘must-read’ . These are all his books, in my order of priority.

1.Da Vinci Code

2.Angels and Demons

3.The Lost Symbol

4.Digital Fortress

5.Deception Point

The intricate plots of all these exceptional books will definitely leave you absorbed in them. Which is your favorite Dan Brown book?Looking forward to your comments and opinions.Happy Reading!

(p.s   The names of the books are links to their e-books, if that’s what you’re looking for)