Getting lazier and lazi..

Today’s generation is really going down the ‘take it easy’ road and it doesn’t want to exert itself in anything. The one thing a have in mind today is the way people type and write text messages. Although it may not annoy others too much, but I for one cannot bear it.  ‘gr8! c u dere’ , these type of messages are not only unbearable for me but they somehow seem foul as well, and if I receive such a message, I do not make any delay in deleting it, of course after reading it because everyone these days is affected by this slang and improper language, so it could be important.

Yes, I understand, that’s the point of the ‘short messaging service’, but I don’t think it would kill you to write one more letter to complete a word, and sometimes it happens so that people will write the wrong

spelling with the same amount of letters as the correct word, only seemingly less, and think of it as a short form. This shows that this ‘short’ messaging concept is turning into an unintentional misspelling habit, and also that we are getting lazier and lazier. And the person on the other end of the conversation will definitely think you don’t know how to write proper English(at least I do).

I prefer to write complete and whole sentences with proper vocabulary. Otherwise the person seems immature and confused. Don’t judge a book by its cover, eh? Well that’s really how I feel about such language. I don’t mean to offend anyone but that’s really how I see it. Looking forward to your views and comments. Happy and proper writing!

Digital Dictionary: You Need It. Everyone Does

Today I really found it hard to think about ANYTHING to write about, I’m sure it happens to everyone, so I thought I should look around,literally, from the seat in front of my computer, and I noticed my digital dictionary lying on the computer table, and I thought why not share my thoughts about it.

Back in the old days, people usually read literature like Charles Dickens with a whole lot of difficult vocabulary and whenever they must have found a new word(I’m sure there must have been many) they would either have ignored it or they would have opened up a big dictionary to look for the meaning. Showing indifference is definitely not the right thing to do and one cannot enhance one’s vocabulary that way, but having to open up a huge dictionary again and again is also a daunting task, and so it makes the former method understandable.But in today’s technologically advanced world showing the same indifference is unacceptable and shows you’re  just lazy. A couple of years back I was introduced to the digital dictionary and it really changed my ‘reading’ life. You can’t understand a word? Just type it in, you’ll get multiple definitions, usage in sentences, synonyms and what not. Such convenience and efficiency should not go unnoticed. It really helps improve your vocabulary and it’s amazingly time efficient as well. There’s no reason any more to read books and not understand the meaning of a difficult word. Another thing is that these dictionaries are not expensive either and easily available. They keep getting better and better with new functions like touch screens and what not but a plain digital dictionary will do for me.

A couple of months ago, I was holding my dictionary with a book and my

grandfather asked me what it was. I told him all about it and he was quite impressed, so impressed that the next time I visited him, a week later, he’d gotten one just like mine. He isn’t exactly a techno person but the idea of using such an efficient dictionary really amazed him and I think he’s put away his inconveniently large Oxford dictionary, since, clearing a lot of space from the study table.

So if you’re still living under a rock, as I was until a few years back(just kidding), and you still read books without a digital dictionary, go out and get one for yourself, if you can’t, download it on your iPhone or laptop or any other of today’s techy gadget that you may own, but do use it, unless you are exceptionally intellectual and don’t require a dictionary. I have found Merriam-Webster dictionaries best up till now. Do give it a try, I’m definite you’ll find it helpful.

Happy Reading!!